Kamis, 19 November 2015

MAKE Text Money online Topic : Shopping Online . Accumulation Marketing And Business Education Products .

Basically affiliate marketing is commission-based sales business model. So when you sell, you get money.

Similar sales "door to door" in the offline world, you are offering a product to others from one door to another door. If there is a behavior, you can commission.

But here you do not need muter-muter heat, because you can do it in front of a computer, or even your smartphone and tablet.

To start with, you can register as affiliates of a VENDOR PRODUCT (MERCHANT) to get the ID AFFILIATES.

This merchant could take the form of a company or an individual.

Furthermore, their (merchant) will give you an affiliate link that contains the URL link address of the website belonging to the owner of the product, and on it already contains a special code your Affiliate ID.

Then when you promote such links, and those who do click through your links and make a purchase, then you get a commission.
Examples of some affiliate merchants in the form of companies, among others: